Climate Unchanged
Climate Change Action Is Useless
Date: 22nd, April, 2019
So, last week, as Easter bloomed here in Britain, we saw the parades and marches of protest against Climate Change. The efforts of the likes of militant protesters (Extinction Rebellion) and TV broadcasters (Sir David Attenborough) raising the issue in the public eye with more and more campaigns to alert the world to the horrifying nightmare apocalypse of the world’s environment vanishing into a Dark Age of, well, horror.
And so it goes, the endless stream of pop protesters, from old men down to teenage girls we see a queue form outside TV studios and the United Nations to tell us all what many knowledgeable people have known for decades – the world has a problem and action is needed to fix it.
Yet little attention is spent on the answers and all the great people undertaking those efforts, maybe you dear reader.
The Climate Change Solution
The climate is changing through human activity. We know this. Some have known this for decades.
The climate change is being addressed. Very few know that. For all the hysteria whipped up by campaigners demanding action from politicians (no idea why they think politicians can solve a problem of this magnitude) the real solutions are in the hand of those with the mind, skill and drive to solve them.
Innovators, designers, scientists don’t form protest groups or stamp their little feet like spoilt children demanding sweeties. Competent people around the world are quietly getting on with the job of fixing the problem.
A Thousand Solutions To One Big Blue Planet
There are thousands of industrious people and companies, researchers and teams, around the world working on their own answers to the problem of climate change. Some driven by commercial reward from government incentives, some for the challenge of inventing a new technology or better design and some with greater vision for the future of our world and our species.
None of them are waving placards in the air (what IS the carbon footprint of a million person march?).
There is no perfect utopian solution (well, not yet anyway) and not all solutions will succeed. It’s a numbers game of trying out as many as you can afford, to identify those which work today. These won’t be the best solutions, only those which can be sold to the public to support the development and production costs in this generation. Consider how the enormous enthusiasm for electric vehicles is slowly fading in favour of a hydrogen-based fuel cell alternative, and that might not be the final ideal answer to clean burn technology for motor vehicle transport.
A Future Agenda
The agenda in the public debate is still dominated by rampaging hysteria and mass ignorance, whether it’s mobs on the street or ignorant politicians jumping on the next fashionable Big Idea (remember how wonderful Diesel was for motor vehicles twenty years ago?).
While the high profile public campaigns seize the attention of the mass media (bad news and terror always increase circulation figures and the profits of the media companies) the diligent and patient world of the problem-solvers is often ignored.
This is creating a distorted ignorance of the true situation facing the world now and for the future. Yes there are problems but there are many solutions being born around the world. The hysterics will draw upward curves showing how the doom will increase throughout the years to-come, but ignore the counter-effects of the forthcoming solutions that will reverse the curves.
This is creating a distorted ignorance of the true situation facing the world now and for the future. Yes there are problems but there are many solutions being born around the world. The hysterics will draw upward curves showing how the doom will increase throughout the years to-come, but ignore the counter-effects of the forthcoming solutions that will reverse the curves.
Problem Solving
So, which world do you want to live in? The horrifying prospect of the end of the world, an apocalypse painted in dark blood as the world is destroyed, or a brighter future of solutions as each problem is identified and dealt with?
The protest movements are trying to bend your minds. If they succeed then we may never see the benefits of a healthier and more prosperous world.
Choose creation and we will see the world improved but it’s not glamorous, it’s not going to attract any publicity, just a long slow, patient effort to repair the damage, fix the issues and move forward with the confidence that we are intelligent enough to create a better future for everyone, even the mobs of children throwing their strops in the capital cities of the world.
Michael Bond is the designer of the British supercar the Rumbler Sport Tank. Intended to solve climate change through new developments in engine and fuel efficiencies. He is currently raising funds for the completion of development for this project.
The Costs of Protest
100,000 people travelling by railway train in the UK at £100 per person is a cost of £10 million. Imagine if that were invested in practical effort. Come and join Michael in the project to make a tangible change to the world.
Tag Keys #EarthDay #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #DavidAttenborough #ExtinctionRebellion #Rumbler #RumblerSportTank
Photos via Pixabay.
Artists: Stephan Keller, Free-Photo, Myriams-Fotos, Peter Fischer, Skeeze, Sabine Lower and PIRO4D.
Keys: Climate Change, Global Warming, #ClimateChange, #GlobalWarming, #ExtinctionRebellion, #Rumbler, #SportTank, plastic pollution, #plastic, greenhouse effect, #greenhouseeffect, Michael Bond, polar bears, #polarbears, #ClimateChangeEngine