It’s time for a new vision for the Health Service, a New Health Service to embrace the potential of the wave of advances that will change the world.

A year ago, in summer 2023, Michael offered the government an opportunity to transform UK defence, they didn’t take it. Learn it all in his presentation.

As Gulf War II came to an end of major hostilities and settled down to years’ of occupation and reconstruction Michael Bond, technology innovator, designer and finance specialist, attempted to help the people of Iraq and contribute to the reconstruction.

The desperate crisis in the National Health Service needs a tremendous lift to restore, repair and rebuild, and it will never be enough, a new revolution is needed. to address this Michael proposes to focus on the critical need for new and up-dated hospitals fit for the demands and exciting opportunities of the twenty-first century.

In this presentation Michael Bond talks about the ongoing, and seemingly never-ending housing crisis in Britain. With various numbers thrown around, from a million to many millions of new homes needed what can be done to deliver in a reasonable time, and does the solution pose threats or opportunities to the broader national economy?

Michael Bond, technology innovator, designer and finance specialist, responds to current Labour Party leader Keir Starmer’s declaration that there are no magic money trees to solve Britain’s deep crises. Michael presents his alternative vision of a new prosperity for Britain and how there IS a tremendous source of money to lift Britain out of poverty and despair, if Parliament will let him loose to deliver it.

Michael Bond, technology innovator, designer and finance specialist, introduces you to the Army of Prosperity, a campaign to mobilize moderate MPs in Britain and Pivot for Prosperity, to win their support for his campaign and efforts to deliver a new prosperity to the UK, to lift the entire country out of poverty and despair.

Delayed by events beyond his control, this is a late presentation of his core ideas and out-dated by the announcement of the General Election in Britain the day before. It is presented here for completeness and to introduce some of the elements of the Prosperity Campaign where they remain topical.

Join Michael, Join the Army of Prosperity, Mobilize the Moderate MPs and let Michael loose to deliver a New Prosperity to Britain today.

Michael Bond, technology innovator, designer and finance specialist, introduces you to the Army of Prosperity, a campaign to mobilize moderate MPs in Britain and Pivot for Prosperity, to win their support for his campaign and efforts to deliver a new prosperity to the UK, to lift the entire country out of poverty and despair.

Delayed by events beyond his control, this is a late presentation of his core ideas and out-dated by the announcement of the General Election in Britain the day before. It is presented here for completeness and to introduce some of the elements of the Prosperity Campaign where they remain topical.

Join Michael, Join the Army of Prosperity, Mobilize the Moderate MPs and let Michael loose to deliver a New Prosperity to Britain today.

Michael Bond, technology innovator, designer and finance specialist, apologizes for the delay in launching his Prosperity Campaign to promote a new vision of a revival for the British Economy.

Delayed by events beyond his control he introduced the purpose of the campaign for a new prosperity for Britain.